A Taste of Emotion

Pritha Nanditha
3 min readMay 29, 2024


- Tha, A Pen of Life (2024) -

Many, when faced with struggles and emotions, tend to keep it in, and lock it in within theirselves.

Often I wonder, what is the purpose of emotions, if it weren’t to be felt? Why do we run from it, hold it in, then lock it away, as if it was never there before?

I have learned that, “Emotion”, stand by the meaning of Energy Motion. There’s a motion of energy that flows within you.

Often, our body threw out the waste they no longer need. We go to the toilet, if needed to throw the dirty waste inside our body. We wash ourselves, when we feel like our body is filled with dirt and sweat. Even said, that our body changes the cells, once in every 7 years. That just proves how crucial changee and release is. That is how much our body needs to release of what isn’t good anymore.

Taking us back to emotions, it goes the same. When emotions come to our body, welcome them. Sit with the emotions, feel it within you. Let the emotions go on with its motion, and flow within you. Welcome every shape of the emotion. Either it be sadness, happiness, frustration, pain, joy, feel it all within you.

Often times, we treat our emotions the same way we treat our E-Mail inboxes. We tend to say “I’ll respond to it later.” And as later comes by, the numbers of E-Mail sent to us, increases. By then, we’ll lose control, and proceeds to explode of pressure.

Often, we procrastinate our own emotions. The moment we say “I’ll deal with it later.” is the moment where we’ve decided to start war within ourselves. We began to put pressure by locking up our emotions, with no way out. It comes to no surprise, that by the end of the day, you’ll only explode into so many different emotions in one go.

As bitter as those emotions can be, give it a try. You deserve to know the taste of it. Only then you’ll know, the root cause to your struggles. After a taste of the emotion, you’ll then know what triggers the emotion, to reach out to you, and overflow within you. Whether you like it or not, you’ll only know it after a taste.

All the more, taking a bite to one food that doesn’t match our taste buds, doesn’t give us any harm. We’ll just know which part of the food we don’t like. We’ll just end up knowing what flavors from within, that doesn’t match up our taste buds. After some time, we’ll move on from it. And If by some time, we encounter the same food, by then, we’ll know it. How it will only trigger a feeling of unliking within ourselves. So, when a similar situation occurs, we’ll know what and how to do with it. By the end of the day, we’ll only be grateful for the courage we had took, while having a taste of that food. After all, it leads us to being aware of what fits to our liking, and what triggers our unliking.

So, when the moment comes, when you feel the emotions sitting there inside you, welcome it. Feel it. Don’t bundle it up, into a pile of emotions. These emotions being piled up, will give you nothing but poison in return. It will only slowly kill you, until the time comes for you to explode it out. These emotions being locked within you, will only cause a distortion into the way you view the world, and life itself. So, whenever you encounter a meeting with these emotions, greet them, welcome them, treat them like a childhood friend of yours. Let it flow within your mind and body. Feel their flowing motions.

When the time comes, these emotions will find their own doors within your heart, to release and set free. When they knock on your door, let them come out. Let them flow, gracefully, with the love you’ve greeted them.

