Allow Yourself to Grow.

Pritha Nanditha
5 min read2 days ago


Image from Pinterest.

Growing up, is an event we can never run away from. We can never run away, nor can we avoid growth. It’s the law in life, to always grow in our journey. Who you are today, is different from who you are yesterday. Who you are today, is no longer who you are yesterday. We change in every passing minutes. Growth is subtle. We can barely notice the changes we go through in each passing minute of our time. But just because it’s un-notice, it doesn’t mean we don’t grow.

You lose something in life, but you also gain something in life. It is in the nature’s law, the things that come, will go. People come and go, including our very own self. We come, and we go.

Growth is often uncomfortable, messy, and full of feelings you don’t expect to come. But growth is very much necessary. It is the gift of life, that the journey of growth requires discomfort. The existence of life, is to teach us to overcome the discomfort of growth. You cannot expect to live, without the courage to grow. You dimmed your light, by staying stuck in your comfort zone, not wanting to grow out of it.

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. The only way to create yourself, is by allowing yourself to dive in the discomfort of growth. By diving, you allow yourself to embrace the discomfort of growth, and seek lessons that will help you swim your way up, to a brand new version of you.

Everything in life has a time of its own. You will lose something, you will lose people but, you will also gain something new, and you will gain new people in life. Each version of yourself, has a time of its own. In your journey of life, you will lose parts of yourself, in order to make room, and gain a new and a better version of yourself.

You cannot grow, without the courage of losing one, or some other things. As what Taylor Swift said on her NYU Commencement Speech, Part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life is about catch and release. Knowing what things to keep, and what things to release.”

Decide what is yours to hold, and let the rest go. You make room, by letting go of what’s no longer meant for you to hold. You make room, for a better version of yourself to live on.

Growing up is bittersweet. You lose a part of yourself, but you gain a better version of yourself. Growing up is uncomfortable, but necessary. Growing up means letting go of what you once hold dearly, in order to make room for better things to hold again. Growing up means saying goodbye to what’s no longer needed, in order to welcome a brand new journey.

Losing a part of yourself throughout your growth, is very much needed. Think of it this way, when you hop on into a boat, you mindfully choose what to bring and what not to bring. For you know, if you try to take everything with you on the boat, you will only make it sink. So, you became mindful, of what is yours to keep and bring onto the boat, and what is yours to leave and let go. In order for you to keep sailing in life, you must learn, and your must build the courage to let go what’s no longer meant for you to hold. Build the courage to choose discomforting growth, over comforting old parts of yourself. Do not choose temporary happiness, in the comfort of your past. Do not choose temporary happiness, in the comfort of your comfort zone. Create a temporary happiness, in the path of discomforting growth.

Keep in mind, growing up will be hard. Growing up will be messy and very much uncomfortable. But that does not mean, it’s impossible for you to do so. More of the time, it’s all just the very lessons we learn to be the best version of ourselves. Often time, growth will also feel like a breaking point. But this version of breaking, I call as positive breaking. For it crushes you, only to rise you up. It crushes you, only to make you grow.

See it as this way. When you plant a seed in your garden, you don’t dig the soil up, you don’t dig the seed up, to see whether or not the seeds have grown. But instead, you put trust in the plant. In the passing time, you water it, give enough sunlight to it, you take care of it, clear away the weeds, if needed. You simply wait for its time to sprout.

It goes the same way to our growth. It happens in a subtle way. Growth happens in a subtle way. It doesn’t rush, for there is beauty in the subtleness. It doesn’t rush, for there is beauty in staying where you are, enjoying the way life goes. You will grow, you will bloom, you will find your ways to get there. But right now, you are here. And here is beautiful enough to stay alive.

Know that you will encounter pain, encounter discomfort in your upcoming journey. But those are merely lessons to build a better version of yourself. The pain doesn’t define you, it creates a better version of yourself. For the pain is only a bridge, to a better version of yourself. Know that you will encounter discomfort in the existence of growth. Even still, allow yourself to take a step out of the discomfort. The existence of discomfort is merely a pushing button for your growth. Why stop here? Why stop at the feeling of discomfort? Water your seeds, give it enough sunlight, and you will find yourself blooming beautifully.

So, next time you encounter the discomfort of growing, welcome it, and embrace it. Allow yourself to grow, in the existence of discomfort.

Hard things will happen to us. We will recover. We will learn from it. We will grow more resilient because of it. — Taylor Swift.

Tha, 2024.

