Life in Newton’s Third Law.

Pritha Nanditha
5 min readJul 3, 2024


“Every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere, is to leave something behind.- Newton’s Third Law

Life is a reflection of our action and reaction, and what we do to it. — Tha 2024.

It is good to have goals in life. All through our time, we strive to achieve our goals. All through our journeys in life, we work to make our dreams come true. But no one really talks about the cost you have to pay, in order for you to achieve those goals.

How many times have you felt like running around in circles while trying to achieve a certain goal in life? How many times have you felt lost while trying to walk in the journey of achieving your goals? How many times have you felt like all the efforts and all the ways you’ve taken on, leads you to nowhere but here?

Newton’s third law, talks about action and reaction. That speaks so much volume upon our journeys in life. That very law, implies to our lives. It is the nature’s law, as well as the universe’s law, that in every action we take, will bring out a reaction because of it.

In every steps we take in our journey, will bring out a reaction to it. Meaning, whatever steps or whatever things you do in your journey, will cost you, your consequence. All the good things, and all the bad things, will bring you to consequences that you will have to face and take responsibilities for.

Now, it is normal for us to feel like we’re walking in circles, while trying to achieve one goal in life. It is normal for us to feel lost, while trying to reach out for a certain goal in our lives. It is also very normal for us to feel like there’s no result into the efforts we put in. It’s all part of the journey in life. When we think of all these occurring “problem”, we will think it’s pointless, for it gives us no result and reaction to our actions. But, no reaction, is also a reaction.

Everything in life, is all just a reflection to our thoughts. Life is an inside job. Our thoughts create actions, our actions creates our behaviors, and our behaviors creates our lives. So, whatever things we put into our mind, will cost us a reaction into our lives. Be mindful on what we put up into our thoughts, for it will cause an action to take, and an action will bring out a reaction.

Shifting your thoughts from one perspective to another perspective could help you open up and see many more solutions in every action and reaction we make. The more you shift and open up your perspectives, the more you’ll see, that everything in life, is just a reflection to our actions and reactions.

See it as this way, when you fail to catch your way up to achieve your dreams or your goals, it is not failure. It is learning. If you find yourself getting lost in your journey of achieving your goal, it is not lost, but redirection. If you see yourself making constant mistakes in your journey of achieving your goals, it is not mistake, but a chance to grow for the better. Know that an open, healthy, and positive way of thoughts will lead you to an equal result of action and reaction.

Getting lost is normal, we encounter that often in our roads. Making mistakes is normal, for we are just human to begin with. Losing things is normal, for it is an open door to new things. Don’t blame yourself for losing the things you couldn’t grip on properly. Don’t blame yourself for letting go the things you no longer can hold. For you make room by letting go of what’s no longer meant for you to hold. Remind yourself, it is okay to make mistakes. It is okay to be lost, and lost. It is okay to be human.

But what if I’m stuck? I’m not going forward nor backwards in life. I’m stuck here, and can’t find a way to get my feet walking again. Then maybe, your current journey is to be gentle with yourself, letting it rest after all the journey it has battled for. Achieving your goal and your dream is important, but so is resting. Resting is as important as achieving. Know that resting also brings a reaction to your journey. It doesn’t halt your progress in life. More of the time, resting helps you get closer to what you’re achieving, and it helps you grow stronger in taking your steps forward. Often time, resting helps you live more in the present moment. It helps you appreciate more of the beauty that lies within your journey of life. It helps you see more of the subtleness in life, and the lessons it intact with. Resting allows you to grow more gracefully.

Whatever actions you take in life, will lead you to a reaction because of it. Be mindful of the actions you take in your journey, for it will cost you a certain reaction to it. A positive, or a negative action, will result a reaction to it. In every reaction you encounter, you must stand in courage, to go through it. For you can only grow, by the process of going through every reaction you encountered with. Keep in mind, whether the reaction and consequences you encountered with, is in the shape of positive or negative, it will still lead you to your growth. All the good and all the bad, will lead you to your growth. The only difference is, it comes in a different font.

Be mindful of what you let in to your mind. Be mindful on how you perceive every occurring thoughts. For it will lead you to an action you’ll take, and a reaction you’ll live by. Keep in mind, anytime you encounter a reaction, whether you like it or not, stand in courage, and go through it. For in every discomforting journey, will lead you to your growth.

Tha, 2024.

