The Look of Life : Reality is an Inside Job.

Pritha Nanditha
3 min readJun 16, 2024


Tha’s little morning view — 2024

Often times, we always ask ourselves, “What is the meaning of life?” or “What is the purpose of life?” It seems like, all our journey in life is to find meaning into things. To find meaning into life itself. But the truth is, we don’t find the meaning. We make the meaning. Nothing in life has meaning, until we assign meaning to it.

The thing with our mind is that, it tricked us into thinking that perception is the truth. But what really is, our perception is not the truth. Say, you’re at the beach with your friend, looking out to the same waves, underneath the same sun. While being at the same exact place, and the same exact time, you and your friend could come away with entirely different stories about the situation in that moment. That is perception. It comes in many form, and it lies within varieties of story in one go. Therefore, perception is not the truth.

Life goes on, in the way we want it, in the way we think of it, and in the way we perceive it. Which is why, there’s a saying that goes “You are what you eat.”

What you consume into you mind, what you choose to put inside your mind, becomes who you are. That alone, will lead you to the life you’ll be living. The same way we check if one food is edible, or if one food expires already. We become mindful of what we let in into our stomach. Making sure that it doesn’t end up poisoning us, nor hurting us.

It applies into our mind and thoughts as well. We should be able to put awareness, on which wave of thought has the right to be let in, into our mind. For your perception leads to the life you live.

In order for us to grow, we have to become skilled at looking at our interpretations and perceptions of life from multiple perspective that will lead us to a more balance and grounded conclusion.

Know that our thoughts create our reality. Whatever the outcome that life has come to bring us, is originated in our inner thoughts and mental being. Every conditions of our life, are a result of our collective thought.

The thought works like a record player. It plays the same songs over and over again. Subconsciously, with lack of awareness, we let the thoughts playing over and over, turning it into our belief. When the thought progresses and turn into a belief, we start seeing life within those glasses of our beliefs.

Reality is an inside job. What we put work into our mind, will bring a window of belief to our lives. Most people don’t know, that it is their thought that creates their own circumstances.

We, as humans, gets to choose the kind of mindset we’d like to live with. Is it the mindset that “We are happening to life” or “Life is happening to us.”? If the choice is that “We are happening to life” we are taking the role of processors in life. We don’t play the game, but instead, we make the game. We accept that things will happen to us, things will come into our way. But, we take everything that happens, and everything that comes into our way, with an open heart. Responding to it with wisdom and peace.

It is important to build awareness within the flow of your thoughts and mind. Look into it, and understand the path of your thinking. Slowly analyze the path of your thinking. Which are repeating negative talk, and which are repeating positive talk.

Being aware of your thought means that, you’re accepting every thought and the emotions it tangles with, but not be consumed by it. Being aware of your thought means, being open to the happenings, looking at our interpretations and perceptions of life, from multiple perspective.

Don’t be consumed by your thoughts and emotions. Have the courage to stand in awareness, to open plenty doors of perspective, leading you to a healthy life. For a healthy life, will lead you to growing better and being better.

Tha, 2024.

