To be Broken, is to Shine.

Pritha Nanditha
4 min readJun 25, 2024


Image from Pinterest.

Have you ever ask yourself, “why does life keeps on giving me endless problems?” Or, have you ever feel so drained by the obstacles that arrive upon your way? That everything you do just feels so useless, and hopeless? If your answer is yes, you’re on the right track!

Often, life gifts us not only the joy of the world, but also the pain of the world. It gifts us plenty of obstacles upon our way. Most of the time, these obstacles feels like a roadblock. It tend to hinder our journeys in life. Tearing us apart, making us feel drained and lost.

It’s a nature law for us to encounter problems in life. Going through a slump, or even hit rock bottom. It is human for us to be broken. It is human for us to be lost. It is only natural for us to fall apart, when a problem hits us.

The thing with most people, when they sense a part of them is breaking apart, they tend to force theirselves to keep the pain in. They tend to lock theirselves up, thinking that it will get better in time. Your wounds will heal in time. But it won’t heal, if you feign ignorance to it. It won’t heal, if you neglect the pain and the hurting it is causing you.

Plasters don’t heal wounds. Most people tend to misunderstood the use of plasters. When an open, with a bleeding wound occurs, they tend to take advantage from the usage of a plaster. Covering their wounds, hoping it’ll heal with time. But the very truth is, plasters don’t heal wounds. You don’t heal the wound, by covering it with plasters. You’re only suffocating the wound, letting no air in to the wound.

The purest way to heal a wound, is by putting ointments on it. Instead of covering it up with plasters, you treat it with ointments. Cleaning the wounds with alcohol, and let it sit in an open air.

Plasters don’t heal wounds, but dealing with the root of the problem does. So, anytime life gifts you a brand new wound from the problem you encountered in, seek the root cause of the wounds. Instead of covering it up with plasters, take the moment to look into the wound, discover the depth of the wound, identify the cause of pain, and grow a healing towards the wound.

Truthfully, we humans, are not broken people that needs to be fixed. We just need to be understood. You don’t need to find someone who could help you “fix” yourself. You don’t need to find someone who could help you “understand” yourself. All it takes to heal, is your willingness to pull yourself out from the slump, and face the discomfort of healing. It only takes your willingness to understand yourself in a deeper level. So, if you were to find someone to help you understand yourself, then that someone is you, and you only.

No one understands you better than you do. No one can understands you more than you can. So, instead of taking the time to find somebody else to help you understand yourself, take the time to dive yourself deeper into understanding your true inner self.

So, when a problem occurs in your life, you are in control. Stand in awareness, and stand in understanding that every time you give power to the little things that bothers you, is a choice you make of living with anxiety, pain, and hurt. You must choose to grow through experiences rather than being crushed by it. It is surely outside of our control, on what happens in our journey and in life. But we are in control, to make the choices of our reaction. We can choose, on how we respond to the occuring problem.

Keep in mind, that getting better doesn’t feel better right away. It takes time to heal the wound. The time it takes to heal, could be very discomforting, and could end up being very messy. But instead of running away from it, instead of dodging the messiness, be open to it, welcome the discomfort of healing. We must be willing to feel worse in the short term, in order for us to be better in the long term. So, let yourself freely dive into plenty of discomforting emotions and new perspectives in your healing.

If you take the time to notice, a wound is an open door to new growth. Without pain and suffering, there will be no growth. When a wound arises, it removes the old part of you, that you no longer need in your upcoming journey. Therefore it tears you apart, pushes the old version of you, in order to make room, for a better version of you to live and grow in.

It is only through the crevices of our broken parts, can the light shines in to us. To be broken, is to shine.

Tha, 2024.

